Products - BETTER BUILDING - Certifying VET teachers as Energy Saving Advisers - A transfer system into three different European societies

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
2007 LLP-LDV-TOI-07-IT-307
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The main objectives of this transfer project are

  • to contribute to the amelioration of the energy balance in the construction of buildings by raising the awareness of ecological issues among VET teachers in Italy, Slovenia and Turkey for technical subjects
  • to supply learning contents and training materials that show how to use energy-saving materials and to reduce energy consumption in building construction
  • to improve the quality in VET systems by offering innovative methodology and contents and by transferring good practice


  • Modular Curriculum and Teaching Materials for VET providers, teachers and trainers to sensitise the focus towards problems of energy saving; including the use of renewable and ecological energies in Italian, Slovenian and Turkish language.

    it si tr summary it_engl.version summary si_engl. version summary tr_engl. version

  • Didactic Guidelines to demonstrate the use of these materials within the framework of existing teaching schemes. This document is adapted to the specific demands and needs of individual users and the learning cultures of the countries mentioned above. Furthermore, they are suited to the requirements of vocational training providers in Italy, Slovenia and Turkey.

    it si tr it_engl.version si_engl. version tr_engl. version

  • An Implementation Concept to help to put the Better Building in VET materials into the learning practice. Thus, raising the interest of educational policy makers and the respective organisations.

    it si tr it_engl. full-version si_engl. full-version tr_engl. full-version

For further details on products please contact projekte(at)

Target groups

  • VET teachers and trainers for building and construction who will acquire additional skills and competences to become capable offering general advice
  • People who will work as "European energy saving and building material adviser". They will be sensitised for the relevant subject purpose and receive specialized training
  • Training providers who can immediately improve the quality of their VET measures and/ or offer new training courses which are based on the project results
  • Employers in the building industries who will benefit from a higher number of better qualified people.